

LYCE Lesson three


LY’s Note:

### Part One

1. Breakfast is ready. Eat it before it gets cold.
2. When will it be ready.
3. Let's get together again soon.
4. Well, let's get everything ready.
5. Every day in every way, everything is getting better and better.
6. We should never let our country down.
   We should get ready for the future.
7. I have a test next Wednesday. I'd better study.
8. Please help yourself.Make yourself at home.
9. Please be my gust and have a seat.
10. Treasure every breath.Treasure life.Treasure your good health.
	Treasure everything important in life.

Part Two

#### How to memorize new words > So many people tell me that it is very hard to remember new words. They complain that no matter how hard they try to memoriz new words, they always forget most of them very quickly. > The best way to remember new words is to practice them in every single day.Practice new words in correct sentences and paragraphs. Listen to recordings and read along every single day.Otherwise you will forget easily. >Another good idea is to carry a small notebook with filled with words and practical sentences with you everywhere you go.Whenever you have a spare minute, take out your notebook and practice new words crazily.Every second counts! >If you need my help, please call me.We’re friends, friends help each other. >Believe in yourself.You don’t have to be afraid of new words. Learning new wods is a lot of fun. We can definitely conquer new words together!


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