

LYCE Lesson Twelve


1. Can I have some mor.This soup is really good. 2. I was not born yesterday. Don't try to trick me. 3. It's very important to read English every morning. 4. Our office is on the forth floor. It's the second door on the left. 5. Are you ready to order, or would you like to loot at the menu? 6. I was born in the northern part of China. 7. Good English will open the door to a greate future.


###The World Is Becoming Smaller and Smaller. Ladies and Gentlemen, more and more foreigners are coming to China. More and more people around the world are starting to learn Chinese. More and more Chinese starting to do business and travel around the world. The world is becoming smaller and smaller. That's why English is becoming more and more important in China, we must practice English harder than ever before.

我记得电视剧《猎豹》中周卫国在德国和那个日本人有这样一段对话: “如果你不了解我们日本人的语言和文化,你怎么能了解我们,怎么能打赢我们。” 这不就是孙子那句话:“知己知彼,方能百战百胜!”


####每天六个一值一 ##### 睡一个好觉 睡眠不良和免疫系统功能降低有关。体内的T细胞复杂对付病毒和肿瘤,如果得不到充足的睡眠,T细胞的数据会减少,生病几率随之增加。不一定要睡足8个小时,只要早上醒来觉得精神舒畅就可以。

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